Now you can Voice Message through Watsapp

By Vijay @ 08:13am

 Here’s a very Good News for Wats app Users around the World. The app, which has been receiving numerous updates in the last few months, has remotely enabled a new feature today: voice messages.

When users enter into a chat with a contact, to the left of the text window a microphone icon should now be present (see the photo above). Users can simply press and hold that icon to record a voice clip which is then sent instantly to the contact. The quality of the recording is excellent and it is certainly a welcome feature, especially with services like Voxer breathing down the necks of companies like WhatsApp.

You won’t need to update the app to enable this feature as it is being done so via their servers.

All in all, a pleasent surprise to what is becoming the go to messaging app. Pick up WhatsApp for Windows Phone here in the Store.

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