Flipkart eBooks launches on Windows Phone for India.

By Vijay @ 08:36am

Flipkart eBooks

Flipkart (www.flipkart.com), one of the largest online retailers in India, has launched an eBook service on Windows Phone 8. Titled Flip kart eBook, the app will enable you to enjoy a large collection of books. Offline storage is alos supported for  areas with low signal coverage, as well as those who enjoy long-haul flights.

Books can be purchased on the main retailer website or through the eBook app itself. If you’re unsure whether a particular title is worth the investment, you can enjoy 10 percent of each book before making the purchase.

Flipkart eBook App

Content downloaded to any device can be synchronised and accessed from the central library. It’s basic in functionality, but Flipkart eBooks gets the job done and we’ve got yet another official app. Multiple features are present, including day and night settings, font size configuration, bookmarks and more. Please note that you can download full books using app only if you reside in India..

You can download Flipkart eBooks from the Windows Phone Store

 QR: Flipkart eBooks


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