Microsoft shows the Iconia W3 in latest ad against Apple’s iPad Mini

By Vijay @ 08:22am

Microsoft recently released its latest commercial, published on the WindowsVideos YouTube channel, addresses the small tablet competition – namely, the iPad Mini. Taking the Acer Iconia W3 to the ring, the video shows off some of the cool features a tablet sports when running Windows 8.

The Acer Iconia W3 is a recent attempt by the manufacturer. Powering a full version of Windows 8, the Intel Atom processor combined with the loaded software allows you to install all your favourite x86 programs. As the footage boasts, you can enjoy some Halo, after working hard on word processing – it’s a real PC.

Not to mention the pricing. $429 for iPad Mini or $299 for the Iconia W3? Both have 32GB storage, but are worlds apart in terms of functionality.

Source: YouTube

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