Mock ups of Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C photos and video leaked

By Vijay @ 01:43pm

Here is rumor leaks showing comparison to the next-generation iPhone 5S, the cheaper iPhone 5C has been grabbing all the headlines in the past few weeks. Today though, the former has been featured alongside the entry-level variant in a series of photos and an Instagram video.

Gallery posted on Vietnamese site Tinthe (spotted by 9To5Mac) shows a series of photos of what it claims are mock-ups of both the devices. The mock cheaper iPhone is consistent with the myriad of leaked photos that had been previously seen and shows the now familiar plastic back panel. The iPhone 5S, on the other hand, looks largely similar to the iPhone 5. Additionally, staying true to previous rumors, the mockup also shows the 12-megapixel camera and the dual-LED flash alongside it. In addition to the photo gallery, Tran Quo Chuyvn, has posted a short comparison Instagram video of both the devices.

As we have reported earlier today, both the aforementioned iPhones are expected to be launched on September 10. Click the link below to see the video..

Microsoft shows the Iconia W3 in latest ad against Apple’s iPad Mini

By Vijay @ 08:22am

Microsoft recently released its latest commercial, published on the WindowsVideos YouTube channel, addresses the small tablet competition – namely, the iPad Mini. Taking the Acer Iconia W3 to the ring, the video shows off some of the cool features a tablet sports when running Windows 8.

The Acer Iconia W3 is a recent attempt by the manufacturer. Powering a full version of Windows 8, the Intel Atom processor combined with the loaded software allows you to install all your favourite x86 programs. As the footage boasts, you can enjoy some Halo, after working hard on word processing – it’s a real PC.

Not to mention the pricing. $429 for iPad Mini or $299 for the Iconia W3? Both have 32GB storage, but are worlds apart in terms of functionality.

Source: YouTube

Nokia publishes video revealing the magic Lens used behind Nokia Lumia 1020 (latest Nokia flagship device)

By Vijay @ 10:49pm

Nokia has released a video showing off the magic what happens inside the Lumia 1020, when you hit the shutter button to snap a photo.

The video is impressive, illustrating how the light hits internal components and the end result being transferred across circuitry to the PureMotion HD+ display. It confirms that there’s indeed a black magic at work here. Either that or Nokia has simply nailed it when it comes to smartphone photography.

Lumia 1020 Sample
A sample of the Lumia 1020’s performance at night

 The optional camera grip, 41MP shooter and Zeiss lens makes this a superb solution for those who take hundreds of shots with their mobile device.

Source: YouTube

Samsung Galaxy S4 latest ad

By Vijay @ 10:30pm

There is now a sequel to this ad, promoting the same features but in a different scenario. This time around the Galaxy S4 has already made it to the airliner. Here is the first ad, in case you’ve forgotten it.
And here is its sequel released a few hours ago.

It’s fun watching giants bashing each other on TV, isn’t it?

All About Google Chromecast wireless streaming

By Vijay @ 09:34am

Just as exciting as Android 4.3 and the new Nexus 7 tablet, is Google’s latest device, the Chromecast.

  A tiny HDMI dongle, the size of a thumb drive delivering endless YouTube, Netflix, Google Music, Pandora, and web content to your HDTV for streaming anything and everything. Easily stream content to your big screen for only $35. Andriod Community have had some hands-on. So take a peek after the break.

Lumia 1020 WP_20130724_11_15_57_Pro

As you can already tell from the images, the Chromecast is a 3-inch dongle the size of most USB thumb drives. It has micro-USB on one end (for power, FYI) and the other is a full-size HDMI plug to stream 1080p video right to your TV and home theater. You’ll need micro-USB to power it, which wasn’t mentioned. Overall it’s small, and extremely portable, but we’re worried the bubble on the end will waste two HDMI ports, which could be an issue for some.

The size aside, which hopefully isn’t an issue, this thing has some serious potential. Plug in the micro-USB for power and start throwing HD video, Netflix movies and anything you’d like right to the television for the entire family to enjoy. Using a Wifi 2.4 GHz band (no 5 GHz) to talk to your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, the Chromecast will let you instantly stream things to the big screen.

Lumia 1020 WP_20130724_11_15_47_Pro

Chromecast has some serious potential, and we’re looking for more details (such as mirroring) but for now it only works with a select set of apps. Those being YouTube, Netflix, Pandora Radio, Google Play Music, TV, and Movies, and of course full browsing using Chrome. The idea is dead simple too.

If you’re familiar with controlling any of those on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, it will be a breeze on the Chromecast because you use the device for controls. Our Android phones can truly control the entire experience now.

One important aspect is the Chromecast works on all devices, and is built to scale perfectly too. You can go from streaming a video from your Nexus 7, to swapping it out and “casting” a tab from Google Chrome on your iPhone 5 in seconds. It does it quick, accurately, and scales perfect. It works in sleep mode so you don’t waste screen time and battery life. So that’s a plus. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s indeed real!

For $35 this is a steal. Buy this amazing little addition right now for only $35.

Play Store Link

Source: Andriod Community

Nokia’s YouTube Upload app – Hands on and more details

By Vijay @ 11:10pm

Nokia Video Uploader Lumia 1020

Nokia has published to the store their YouTube Video Upload app that enables users to simply and easily post their video creations to their accounts.

The app loads just fine on the Nokia Lumia 1020, which means this app may be exclusive to that device initially. Though being Nokia, we’re sure that they will deliver for their other Lumia line as they’re pretty good like that.In playing with the app, we can share a few details, some of which you can see in the video demo above:

The app uploads over Wi-Fi and Cellular:

  • If on Wi-Fi, full 1080P is posted (or highest resolution shot at).
  • If on cellular, it needs to be real short (couple of seconds) otherwise it prompts you to trim it down or wait for Wi-Fi
  • Using the native ‘Share’ feature, you can send videos directly to it
  • Background uploading is not supported at the moment

By default, videos are marked ‘Private’ though you can toggle this for each video upload. You can include the title, but no Tag support just yet.

Nokia YouTube Upload WiFi

 The app is quite barebones and we’re sure Nokia will fine tune it over the coming weeks, but for now, it works as advertised, giving those with the Lumia 1020 a simple solution to a vexing problem.

You can find Nokia’s YouTube Video Uploader here in the Store. Nokia Lumia 1020 only at the moment. So Indians please wait for some more time..