Samsung outs an official, extra long hands-on video of the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear(Smart Watch)

By Vijay @ 06:19pm

One of the headlines that has come out of IFA 2013 so far is the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It sports a plethora of new software features and awesome integration options with the just announced Galaxy Gear smartwatch.

 So, in order to familiarize potential Note 3 owners with some of its new software tricks, Samsung has made a lengthy hands-on video of the phablet. In the video, the presenter talks about the new S Pen functionality, namely the Air Command feature. The updated S Pen, Scrapbook, Action Memo, as well as S Finder are also mentioned in the hands-on.

Here’s the 18-minute video below. I suggest you make yourself comfortable, grab a snack and check it out in full.

For even more information on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear, we strongly urge you to check out this detailed hands-on from GSMArena..


Samsung Galaxy Gear detailed (Samsung’s Expected Smart Watch)

By Vijay @ 09:19am

There has been a sudden flow of reports talking about Samsung’s upcoming smartwatch Galaxy Gear. Popular technology blogs The Verge and GigaOM have published separate reports in the last 24 hours, claiming some exclusive information about this upcoming accessory.


Samsung Galaxy Gear

A mockup of Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch

According to The Verge, which contradicts recent Bloomberg story on voice calling support in this Samsung smartwatch, Galaxy Gear will definitely not be a phone unto itself. “It works with phones but the watch is not a phone,” the blog noted citing a source with information about Galaxy Gear.

On the other hand, GigaOM’s Om Malilk, who claims to have details about the specs of Galaxy Gear, the Samsung smartwatch will come with a 2.5-inch square display and dual-core processor.  The display is said to be OLED. Om adds a few more details like presence of a camera, NFC chip and Bluetooth 4.0 LE support in Galaxy Gear. “In addition, the watch might also has a built-in accelerometer that makes it possible to switch it on when it is moved up towards the eye. It could be a great way to wake the watch and also the apps and manage battery power,” he noted.

On the software front, he states that the watch will most probably run on Android 4.2 and will pack tight integration with smartphones using Watch Manager app. Samsung is reportedly using a proprietary accessory protocol, which will use Bluetooth LE as the network transport.

This is not all, GigaOM report also includes that the apps designed for this watch will be available via Samsung Appstore not Google Play. So this is watch can fully utilized with Samsung Smartphones only.

To remind you, Samsung Galaxy Gear is expected to be announced on September 4 in Berlin and New York at simultaneous press events along with Samgung Galaxy Note 3.