Flipkart eBooks launches on Windows Phone for India.

By Vijay @ 08:36am

Flipkart eBooks

Flipkart (www.flipkart.com), one of the largest online retailers in India, has launched an eBook service on Windows Phone 8. Titled Flip kart eBook, the app will enable you to enjoy a large collection of books. Offline storage is alos supported for  areas with low signal coverage, as well as those who enjoy long-haul flights.

Books can be purchased on the main retailer website or through the eBook app itself. If you’re unsure whether a particular title is worth the investment, you can enjoy 10 percent of each book before making the purchase.

Flipkart eBook App

Content downloaded to any device can be synchronised and accessed from the central library. It’s basic in functionality, but Flipkart eBooks gets the job done and we’ve got yet another official app. Multiple features are present, including day and night settings, font size configuration, bookmarks and more. Please note that you can download full books using app only if you reside in India..

You can download Flipkart eBooks from the Windows Phone Store

 QR: Flipkart eBooks


Dhingana now launches music streaming service for Windows Phone 8 devices

By Vijay @ 01:50pm

Music streaming app, Dhingana, has made a debut on the Windows Phone platform. The app is compatible with devices running on WP8 and can be downloaded from  Windows Phone Store.

The app is quite similar to its Android and iOS counterparts. It helps one discover new music based on tastes and features genre-specific listings, where users can listen to top songs and featured albums within a chosen genre. The app also lets users share songs and playlists with friends via Facebook, Twitter or email.

“We expect that this launch will only add to the growth of our loyal listenership across the Windows eco-system,” said Swapnil Shinde, the co-founder and CEO of Dhingana.

This app is already available on the web, mobile web, Android, iOS and BlackBerry platforms.

Want more than one image as your WP lock screen backgrounds. Here’s an app.

By Vijay @ 09:09am


Imagefusion app enable you to create images for the lock screen background from local libraries. If you’ve used media players in the past where a collage of images are displayed from multiple artist albums, this is the same affect but with images you choose. The end result is best of all &  it’s free and really simple to use. Multiple sources can be used, including the profile pictures of contacts stored on the Windows Phone,  album covers from the local music library and photos from the local library. Images are loaded and tiled on the lockscreen to produce a collage of images that matter to you, adding a personalised touch to the first screen displayed when turning on the device.

Recently updated to version 2.0, Imagefusion now sports an image picker to let you pick the exact images you want in your lock screen background. A new “accent tint” effect has also been added to provide a lock screen tint to match the phone accent colour. It’s the little touches like this that really make the difference.


As noted above, Imagefusion is free and also sports zero advertising so the experience is both clean and clutter-free. A total of six image effects can be added to the chosen collection of items, including black & white, polaroid, sepia, negative and accent tint. Images can be shuffled once selected to create a unique, random affect and it’s possible to preview the end result before applying it to the live environment.

Once done, you can save the result for further use externally, or directly apply the new lockscreen background from within Imagefusion. More filters are stated to be on the way, so be on the look out for future updates that include more choice. We’ve given it a go and can safely recommend the app, especially if you’re looking at more ways to personalise your Windows Phone.

You can download Imagefusion from the Windows Phone Store (available for free – Windows Phone 8 only).

QR: Imagefusion

TaxiCOP, a real-time taxi fare calculator available now in Windowsphone stores

By Vijay @ 10:20pm


 Have you ever questioned a taxi fare? Wonder if the cabbie took the most effecient route? TaxiCOP is a Windows Phone app that may help ease your concerns or tell you it’s time to switch cab services.

TaxiCOP will monitor your route, time, and mileage to make sure what you pay is accurate. I can see it coming in handy while traveling or if cab services are part of your day to day routine.

When you first launch TaxiCOP you will go through the set-up screen where you give the app authorization to use your location services, choose the distance units and set the pricing (distance and time) and choose the currency. TaxiCOP supports a very healthy list of world wide currencies ranging from Afghani to Zimbabwe dollars.

From there, user interface is rather simple. Tap the “Start” button on the main page of TaxiCOP as your cab ride begins. Your distance, duration and fare is displayed as you travel. When you get to your destination, press and hold the “Stop” button. I like the press and hold requirement because it prevents accidental taps from stopping the fare tracking.


Your trip history is logged to the app’s Recent Page where you can map out the route taken and compare it with Bing’s route recommendation. It will show if your cab ride took you off the beaten path instead of taking the less costly, more efficient path.

In just taking TaxiCOP out for a test drive, the distance calculations were spot on. I would have liked to have seen a way to log your cab history so you can track expenses, distances, and other variables collectively. The Recent Page is nice but you can only look at things trip by trip.

TaxiCOP is an attractive option for those wanting to keep track of cab rides and make sure what you’re paying is accurate.

There is a trial version available for TaxiCOP with the full version running $.99. It is compatible with both Windows Phone 8 and 7.x devices and you can find TaxiCOP here in the Windows Phone Store.